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PolySpartan® TCSM Clear

STC PolySpartan® TCSM Clear is a polyaspartic – polyurea matt clear coating.  
The product provides a transparent, low-viscosity, matt, slow curing 2-component polyaspartic - polyurea binder suitable as top coat for coloured quartz systems, epoxy, polyurethane, decorative systems and stone carpets (marble, quartz and other aggregates).
The product is non yellowing, high wear and chemical resistance.
STC PolySpartan® TCSM Clear is a long potlife – slow cure speed product 
Temperature and humidity can influence the speed of cure, a retardant additive STC PolySpartan® Additive R can be added into the A+B mix 

If used outdoor the product is able to withstand a light rain after 15 min of curing.
STC PolySpartan® TCSM Clear can be applied until -10°C, contact STC for detail of the application method. 
Weather independent application. 

•    Matt transparent finish
•    Slow curing speed, very easy to apply
•    Excellent scratch, abrasion and chemical resistance
•    UV resistant – non yellowing
•    Low viscosity 
•    Extremely high adhesion 
•    Zero odour
•    Solvent Free 

Where to use:
•    Outdoor
•    Indoor 

PolySpartan TCSM Clear 

STC International Srl
Via Galileo Galilei, 73/75 - 10040 Leinì (TO) - Italy - Tel. +39 389.881.5836 - info@STCint.net - VAT IT11274750014